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Federal Regulations - Professional Licensure

  • There are several federal regulations regarding programs leading to professional licensure that the University of Utah is required to follow.
  • 34 CFR 668.43(5)(v) - This regulation requires institutions of higher education to create public disclosures regarding whether or not their professional licensure programs meet educational requirements for licensure in each state and territory. Specifically, this is targeted towards programs "designed to meet educational requirements for a specific professional license or certification that is required for employment in an occupation, or is advertised as meeting such requirements".
  • 34 CFR 668.14(32) - Effective July 1, 2024 - This regulation requires institutions to ensure that their professional licensure programs meet certain requirements for three categories of states/territories in order for students to enroll in their licensure programs:
    1. The state in which the institutions is located
    2. States in which students are enrolled in distance education when they being their program
    3. States in which a student attests that that they intend to seek employment/licensure for students that enrolled on or after July 1, 2024.
  • For the states listed above, insitutions may only enroll students in a professional licensure program in that state if their professional licensure programs:
    1. Are programatically accredited if required for licensure
    2. Satisfy the applicable educational requirements for professional licensure or certification
    3. Comply with all state laws related to closure


Key Terms

  • Public Disclosures - Public Disclosures for licensure programs can be found at Here current and prospective students can find information for licensure programs as well as find links to state licensing agencies, national certification bodies, and departments on campus. Additionally, information is shared explaining that if a student would like to enroll in a licensure program, and will be taking online courses in a state other than Utah, and they are not sure if their program will meet requirements in their state they should contact the SARA Coordinator.
  • Student Location - Students are asked for the location they will be physically located in while taking courses before registering for courses. Students report this location by completed the Location Validation task assigned through the Office of the Registrar. If a student is enrolled program that requires in-person instruction and has not reported their location as a state other than Utah, their location is considered to be Utah (this does not affect their ability to take other courses such as general education courses online while completing their face-to-face program).
  • Individual Disclosures - When a student updates their location or their program an automated email is sent to that student based on whether their program/state combination meets educational requirements for licensure or not. These disclosures provide information about licensure and direct students to refer to the state authorization website or to reach out to the SARA Coordinator or their advisor for more information.
  • Attestations - In the rare event that a student does receive a “does-not-meet” or “undetermined” email for their initial term in a licensure program, the automated email they receive will provide additional information. This email explains that if a student would like to enroll in a licensure program, and will be taking online courses in a state other than Utah, they can only enroll in that program from outside of Utah if one of the following is true:

    • the program meets educational requirements for licensure in their state or

    • they are planning to become licensed and work in another state, and the program meets educational requirements for licensure in that other state

  • In order for a student to enroll in a program based on their plans to become licensed and work in another state rather than the state they are located in they must complete and submit an attestation form. As part of the attestation process students must meet with the SARA Coordinator and should submit their completed attestation form to for recordkeeping.

Contact State Authorization
(801) 587-1918

Last Updated: 6/27/24